Monday, September 30, 2019

Adolescent Eating Habits Essay

Many teenagers fall into unhealthy eating habits for a variety of reasons; stress, the desire to lose weight, peer pressure etc. These unhealthy eating habits, may not cause damage immediately (although they sometimes do) but they are followed by a host of health issues. Sound nutritious habits play a role in the prevention of common chronic diseases such as obesity, heart disease, cancers, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. Investigating and understanding adolescent eating habits is necessary to preventing diet-related diseases later in the future. This paper discusses characteristic adolescent eating habits; skipping meals, fast food consumption, frequent snacking, and other dieting practices of adolescents. The nutritional requirements for adolescents are also discussed. Unhealthy Dietary Habits Teens engage in dieting practices that maybe less than beneficial, including eating very little, cutting out whole groups of foods (like grain products), fasting, and skipping meals. These practices can leave out important foods that are vital for growth to occur. Other weight-loss strategies such as self-induced vomiting, smoking, and diet pills or laxatives can lead to health issues. See more: Sleep Deprivation Problem Solution Speech Essay Unhealthy dieting can actually cause weight gain since it often leads to a cycle of eating very little, then binge eating. Adolescents may miss meals because of unbalanced schedules. Breakfast and lunch are the meals most often missed, school, and social activities may cause the skipping of evening meals. 12 to 50 % of adolescents miss breakfast; and girls are more likely to do so than are boys (35 and25 % respectively). More than one-half of the adolescents participating in the National Adolescent School Health Survey reported that they ate breakfast less than twice per week. Reasons for missing breakfast include rushing off o early school classes or activities, and poor appetite first thing in the morning. Missing breakfast can negatively affect school performance and contribute to a negative overall diet [ (Americans, 2010) ]. Hunger and food insecurity (i. e. , disrupted eating patterns because of financial strains) might increase the risk for lower dietary quality and under nutrition. In turn, under nutrition can negatively affect overall health, cognitive development, and school performance. Benefits of Healthful Eating Eating a healthy breakfast is associated with improved cognitive function (especially memory), and mood. Healthy eating helps prevent high cholesterol and high blood pressure and reduces the risk of developing chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer. Healthy eating helps reduce the risk of obesity, dental caries, iron deficiency, and osteoporosis Most U. S. youth do not meet the recommendations for eating 2? cups to 6? cups of fruits and vegetables each day. Teenagers in the U. S. A tend not to eat the minimum recommended amounts of whole grains (2–3 ounces each day). Teenagers tend not to eat more than the recommended maximum daily intake of sodium (1,500–2,300 mg each day) (CDC, 1998). Empty calories contribute to 40% of daily calories for children and adolescents aged 2–18 years, affecting the quality of their diets. About half of these empty calories come from the following sources: soft-drinks, fruit drinks, pizza, grain desserts, dairy desserts, and whole milk. Adolescents drink more full-calorie soft-drinks per day than milk. Males aged 12–19 years drink roughly 22 ounces of full-calorie soft-drinks per day, more than twice the intake of milk (10 ounces), and females drink roughly 14 ounces of soft-drinks and only 6 ounces of milk (Kushi LH, 2006). Eating Disorders Adolescents are especially susceptible to eating disorders because of the development of their self-image around this time of their lives. Bulimia, anorexia and binge eating are all eating disorders that teenagers suffer from. Results of Anorexia nervosa can prove to be fatal; as the body is starved so are the muscles. The heart, being a muscle, can consequently begin to weaken, and heart failure will very likely become a reality. The low levels of sodium, zinc, potassium and calcium, associated with anorexia can cause unusual heart rhythms. Sudden death caused by electrolyte and mineral disorder may happen. The blood bone marrow is also interrupted. Anemia is related with the amount of weight lost and the decreased capability to fight pathogens and infections [ (CDC) ]. Obtaining the accurate figures, in terms of the prevalence and other facts about eating disorders is difficult. It is not mandatory for Anorexia Nervosa and Related Eating Disorders (ANRED) to report eating disorders; this, the secretiveness, and denial of people with eating disorders makes it difficult to obtain an accurate idea of the prevalence of eating disorders in the U.  S. A. According to the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA), in 2005, 10,000,000 Americans had an eating disorder. The National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD) reports 7,000,000 women and 1,000,000 men are affected by eating disorders in America. 3. 6% and 12. 9% of the American population is estimated to suffer from an eating disorder at some time in their lives, according to the Eating Disorders Coalition (EDC) [ (Americans, 2010) ]. Junk Food The percentage of adolescents snacking on any given day increased from 61% in 1977-1978 to 83% in 2005-2006; the percentage of adolescents who had three or more snacks in a day rise more than twofold, from 9 % to 23% during the same time period. The rise in rates of overweight and obesity among children and adults of late has led researchers to evaluate the relationship between different eating patterns and weight status. A habit that has received significant attention is that of eating more frequently, particularly in the form of snacking. Although some research has shown that eating habits, including snacking, may help people meet their nutrient requirements, other research indicates that snacking lowers the nutrient density (the amount of nutrients per calorie) of the total diet (Forshee RA, 2006) (Brown, 2011). Snacking more times per day was related to higher intakes of calories. Many of the foods that made the largest contributions to adolescents’ intakes (My Pyramid) at snacks were also high in solid fats, added sugars, or both. The effects of frequent consumption of junk food, such as fast food, soft-drinks, potato crisps and other snacks, include the increased risk of : Clogged arteries- his occurs when fats and cholesterol become oxidized and build up inside the blood vessels, increasing the risk for heart attack or stroke. * Heart disease. * Diabetes later in life. * Obesity, immediately or later in life. * Hypertension. * Cancers related to excess fat and sugar consumption. (Brown, 2011) Many teens eat at fast food restaurants often, taking in extra calories from added sugar and fat. One fast food meal of a sandwich, fries, and sweetened soft-drink can have more fat, calories, and sugar than one should eat in an entire day. The best approach is to limit the amount of fast food consumed. Choosing a grilled chicken sandwich or a plain, small burger instead of a large fried burger, ordering garden or grilled chicken salads with light or reduced-calorie dressings, choosing water, fat-free, or low-fat milk instead of sweetened sweet-drinks can go a long way towards minimizing fat, sugar and calorie intake when eating out. At times, people forget what they drinking and focus only on what they are eating. Soft-drinks and other sugar filled drinks have replaced water and milk as the drinks of choice for teens. These drinks are more like desserts because they are high in calories and added sugar. In fact, soft-drinks and sugar-filled drinks may contribute to weight problems in kids and teens. Saturated fat and trans fat, found in many types of fast food including fries, and fried chicken, contribute to high cholesterol levels. High cholesterol increases the risk of blocked arteries. The resulting reduced blood flow to the heart and brain, increases risks for heart attack or stroke. Trans fat, also found in many baked goods such as cookies, snack cakes and crackers, should be avoided to reduce your risk of cardiovascular problems.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

A Learning Experience Essay

In this content, there will be a discussion on how someone can learns how to not use drugs and what it was like for them before and after their initial use. There will be an identification of what someone would learn from using to not using. Also included in the discussion there will be a description of how someone’s learning could have occurred through classical conditioning, identifying the unconditioned stimulus, the unconditioned response, the conditioned stimulus, and the conditioned response. An explanation will be given in regards to how their learning could have occurred through operant conditioning, describing the behavior, consequence, and reinforcement. There will be an address of how the learning could have occurred through cognitive-social learning. Identifying the Learning Experience Let us say that someone has been doing drugs on a social basis, living a wild and carefree lifestyle. Until one day, a different way of using the drug becomes introduced. In that instance the drug is introduced, it becomes an automatic addiction. It becomes an overwhelming desire to have more to obtain that rush repeatedly. It is the loss of all control and the beginning of losing the power of life. The person frits at the thought of the drug and loses control when they cannot get a hold of it when they want it and how they want it. It becomes a part of their lifestyle and it becomes more difficult for them to lose the desire after a long period of using. It takes a power greater then themselves to quit and the help of people like them who have been clean. With the help and support of these people, the desire to use becomes less and less and the â€Å"disease of addiction,† becomes arrested. What is Learned through the Experience The long term learning experience is learning to live without the use of drugs. Living with the use of drugs causes many to live a life of unmanageability. It leads to a time in an addict’s life when they seek a place where they can receive help, therefore leading to a clean life. They no longer want to live with the obsession of using and no longer with a life of insanity. Classical Conditioning, Unconditioned Stimulus and Response, Conditioned Stimulus and Response Classical conditioning is a form of learning in which a neutral stimulus becomes a conditional stimulus capable of eliciting a given response after being repeatedly presented with an unconditioned (significant) stimulus (Oxford Reference, 2007). For example, an addict may use a pipe, cigarillos, roll up papers, or syringes (conditional stimulus) whenever an addict set out to use their preferred drug of choice. Eventually, the addict becomes craved at the presence of these items (conditional response), even when the drug was absent (unconditional stimulus). Therefore, the absence of the drug leads to the overwhelming desire to use (unconditional response). If the drugs and all the items are present and then something runs out, the conditional and unconditional stimuli occurs together and are presented at the same place, making the addict powerless. Operant Conditioning, Behavior, Consequence, Reinforcement  Operant conditioning (instrumental conditioning) is a form of learning where an individual forms an association between a particular behavioral response and a particular reinforcement (Oxford Reference, 2007). In the case of an addict, when an addict takes the first drug it may be pleasant, but then a thousand is never enough. Therefore, the cliche becomes an addict’s worst nightmare. They use to live and live to use, resulting in the disease of addiction. Once an addict realizes the more they use the more unpleasant it gets, they do not want to face the consequences of jails, institutions, or death. Therefore, they seek the help of recovering addicts, admit their powerlessness over the drug, and make a choice to come clean. As an addict attempts to come clean, they need the reinforcement of Narcotics Anonymous meetings on a daily basis. It is recommended that a newcomer attend 90 meetings in 90 days, associate themselves with other recovering addicts of the same sex, and to seek out a sponsor to work the Twelve Steps. With all these options that Narcotics Anonymous provides helps a recovering addict get well on their way to living a clean productive life. The recovering addict needs to be constantly reminded to take it a day at a time, remember that they didn’t become an addict over night, to keep going back (to meetings), and easy does it. If an addict keeps coming back, they are less likely to go out an relapse; but if they keep beating themselves up, do not change the people, places, and things around them, and continue to keep their old behaviors, they are just punishing themselves making it less likely for them to return to meetings and instead go out and use. Cognitive-Social Learning Cognitive-social learning incorporates the general concepts of conditioning, but rather than relying on a simple stimulus and response model, this theory emphasizes the interpretation or thinking that occurs within the organism, stimulus-organism-response (Carpenter-Huffman, 2010). In the case of an addict, addicts have attitudes, beliefs, expectations, motivations, and emotions that affect learning (Carpenter-Huffman, 2010). In the case of a recovering addict, these old beliefs, attitudes, false motivation and expectations, and lost emotions, being in the rooms of a Narcotics Anonymous meeting helps them to socialize with other recovering addicts and soon the newcomer is able to learn new behaviors through the observations, suggestions, and reading of literature given. In a roundabout way, the newcomer begins by imitating and sharing in meetings, gains a comfort, develops a sense of security, and becomes honest with themselves, allowing them to become honest with other recovering addicts. They learn that not one person is different from another in a Narcotics Anonymous meeting, but they are all alike, one addict reaching out to help another addict recover. Conclusion With the continued socialization and fellowshipping of Narcotics Anonymous, a recovering addict can lose the constant desire to use, find a power greater than themselves, and live a new life taking it a day at a time because any day clean is a day of success. Classical conditioning is a learned behavior that happens with or without the drugs being present. Operant conditioning is knowing that there are consequences for this learned ehavior (drug use), that results in punishment (an addict trying to recover but still having the presence of their old people, places and things resulting in relapse), and lead to a desire to have positive reinforcement (an addict entering into recovery after a life of defeat). Cognitive-social learning is coming to the realization that through participation in the Narcotics Anonymous program, it becomes easier to recover seeing that other addicts too have chosen to recover (imitating and practicing the principles, traditions, and completing the twelve steps).

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Environmental Influences on Tumor Development and Spread Essay

Environmental Influences on Tumor Development and Spread - Essay Example Basic characteristic of malignant tumors is the abnormality in the cells, which is expressed through a decreased control of growth and functions, causing fatal diseases in the patients with invasive growth and metastasis. The division of tumors is based on the following criteria: histogenesis of the tumors, histologic image, biological activities of the tumor, eponyms and anatomy of the tumors (Abeloff et al.). According to their histogenesis, tumors are classified as epithelial and mesenhimal. However, such classification is incomplete, as certain tumors' origins is hard to indentify, such as melanomas and ovarian tumors, or cells which usually are not fond in the adult organism, such as embryonic tumors. The histologic image divides the tumors into a strong, middle or weak differentiation, depending on the maturity of the cells. If there is a complete loss of identity of the tumor in relation to the tissue that the tumor is generated from, we call that undifferentiated and anaplastic. The most important and familiar division of tumors is according to their biological activities. They are divided into benign and malignant; benign tumor cells are very similar to the cells of the tissue they originate from and they are very well differentiated. They grow slowly with expansion and the tumor is usually encapsulated. Malignant tumors have non-differentiated cells and are characterized with progressive growth and infiltration in surrounding tissue. In time, malignant cells enter into the blood and lymph vessels and through them they arrive to other parts of the organism where they cause metastasis or secondary growth.(Jovanovski et al.) There are tumors with semi-malignant behavior, which are usually represent locally malignant. In this group of tumors a localized growth is emphasized, while foreign metastasis appear extremely rare. Some tumors are named according to the authors that described them, for example Wilmsov, Hodgkin lymphoma, Brenner and other. Other tumors are named according to the organ, and not according to the tissue from which the originate, for example, hepatoma. The development of malignancy Malignant tumors can develop from any other tissue or organ, at any age. Before analysis of the growth and spread of the malignant tumors, a review of cell kinetics is necessary, in particular, division of the cells. All human cells which are capable to divide (bone marrow, gastrointestinal tract) enter in a cell cycle, which consists of 4 phases: G0 or resting phase, when the cells do not proliferate; G1 or intermittent before the DNA synthetic phase (last from 12 hours to several days); S phase or synthesis of DNA which lasts from 2 to 4 hours; G2 phase or phase after DNA synthesis, which lasts 2 to 4 days, and the cells have a tetraploid amount of DNA; and M1 phase or mitosis, which lasts from 1 to 2 hours (Abeloff et al). The new daughter-cells either enter in a G0 phase or begin a new cell cycle. Primary malignant tumors will arise with malignant change of one or more cells during suitable conditions. Cells that enter into a continuous division will create several cells that gather and create a primary tumor mass. Malignant cells usually have a cycle that last for several days. Generational time is the time necessary for a malignant cell to enter into a cell cycle and to create two

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 Impact on Women Term Paper

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 Impact on Women - Term Paper Example African-Americans were considered inferior in a way and were not treated as equals to the rest of society. The president took it to himself to express his concern on this issues and the need to address them, but was assassinated before he could actualize the passing of the civil rights bill. The vice-president took over, and even though he had previously objected to a similar bill, he saw the need to push the 1964 civil rights act, in a bid to improve the living standards of the African-Americans within the United States society. The president signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 owing to the support given by the public who say the need for change. Initially, the powers to facilitate enforcement of the Act were weak but were enhanced as with time. This piece of legislation outlawed main forms of discrimination based on race, ethnicity, nationality, religion and gender. The Act ended unequal application of voter registration requirements where the Fifteenth Amendment sought to protect voting rights (Foley et al, 2007). In addition, the legislation guaranteed equal protection to all citizens in accordance to the law by ending racial segregation in schools, workplaces and public places. Public accommodation facilities such as motels, hotels restaurants, theaters among others, were barred from discriminating concerning race. Desegregation was also encouraged in public schools. The Act also provided equal employment opportunities by discouraging discrimination and the establishment of Equal Employment Opportunities Commission, which review employment complaints. The Community Relations service was also established to aid in resolution of disputes related to discriminatory practices, which are based on race, color or nationality. The landmark piece of legislation in the form of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 had its impacts felt by many but mostly changed the lives of minorities as well as women. Initially, the bill did not include abolishing discrimination based on gen der, but following some amendments, women were included. Before the bill was passed, few women challenged male domination in the society concerning jobs and religion. The few who struggle to secure equal rights were secluded and punished for the same. The bill placed women on a level playing field by giving them equal rights and by protecting them through the law. This indicated to women that they also mattered just as much as men in the society did. The legislature also outlawed discrimination due to color, race, religion and gender among employers. In this regard, women were provided with an opportunity to secure employment competitively in accordance to their qualifications. In addition, women were presented with equal educational opportunities. The act also protects women from disparities that may arise in terms of compensation by advocating for equal pay. This way, they could also acquire credit facilities to improve their lives. Women are protected from all form advances that fit the definition of sexual harassment and has been established as a form of discrimination under Title VII of the U.S. Civil Rights Act of 1964, which involves unsolicited sexual advances, requests for sexual favors or conduct of a sexual nature with reference to matters of employment or at the workplace. Successful complaints have seen perpetrators punished in accordance to the law (Matonak n.d). In the event, that the Civil Rights

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Case Study Example There is a large expenditure associated with installing hardware and software that is compatible with the new system, which if not installed is going to increase the company's costs and incur large overheads. The other issues include user-friendliness of the new system, which will require trained expert staff and hence this system cannot be adopted immediately. These were some of the issues that needed to be taken into account before the final decision about RFID system is taken. The system is useful in inventory management and efficiency in logistics and operations. The company can use it to accurately forecast the product's movement and to make sure that it always has enough inventories to meet the consumers' demand and to avoid losses. RFID can also be handful in efficient shop-floor activities such as price updates, price checkout and recording of payments. This system also reduces the chances of human errors. Similarly, the new system can also help in the customer relationship management and can help the company to modify their sales tactics to increase the customer base. It can be useful in knowing the customer's buying preference and can help the company to enhance the customers' buying experience.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Mail Order Bride Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Mail Order Bride - Essay Example The mail order brides generally belong to second and third world countries such as Ukraine, Russia, Colombia, Mexico, Philippines, Africa, India, and Malaysia, however, some mail order brides also belong to first world nations such as Sweden, Japan, and Canada. The husbands generally belong to the developed nations such as United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and Australia. At present about 150,000 potential spouses advertize on the internet. The males who advertise their intend to marry someone in another country are known as mail order grooms (Wikipedia). The first process is the tradiational process which involves preparation of actual paper catalogues by the prospective brides and advertizing them in magazines such as Car and Driver, Stereo Review, and Rolling Stone, to get men to order them. These paper catalogues are distributed world wide through the maganizes (Ho). The scond process is the more recent one in which the women are solicited by an agency through a newspaper advertisement and their catalogues are advertized on the internet. However, in this process there is an inherent assumption by the advertisers that the women who apply belong to economically challenged classes, so there are cases of exploitation by the husbands in this process (Ho). Once the women is accepted by the agency, she undergoes a rigourous screening process which includes an in-depth questionnaire. The prospective mail order brides are interviewed on the basis of various factors including physical appearance, family background, eduction, work experience and other character refrences. However, apart form asking about themselves they are also asked about their desired match (groom) in oreder to make a perfect match. After the woman has successfully qualified all the screening rounds, the agency reviews her choices and looks for a suitable groom. In recent times the mail order bride business has gained momentum due to the increase in emmigration to developed nations from developing nations. Presently there are more than 200 agencies having operations in mail order business in the US. The companies in this business generate margins by charging both the counterparts for their communiactions and also for the services provided (Ho). Current size of the Mail Order Bride Business in the US Currently, there are more than 400 companies operating this business in the US (as compared to 200 such agencies under operation in 1996) and the revenue generated is more than $500,000 annually. The main target markets for mail order brides are the developing countries like Philippines, Former USSR and other Asian countries. In 2002, there were several thousand Filipina mail order brides in Canada and more than 5,000 such brides arrived to North America annually (MCCLELLAND, 2002). Also, currently there are over one million women from the former USSR who desire to become mail order brides for foreign men ( Also according to one of the web-sites there are more than 100 new profiles added each week (Bridesbymail). The main reason for targeting these markets is the stereotype of the women in these nations, as most of the women in these nations are known to be submissive, loyal, soft spoken and

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Bodega Dreams by Quinonez, Ernesto Research Paper

Bodega Dreams by Quinonez, Ernesto - Research Paper Example In order to understand light, we compare it to darkness; in order to understand man, we come compare it to woman; and in order to understand reason, we compare it nature. However, these binaries are not equal, in that one side of the binary is posited as good, rational, civilized, and empowered, and the other side of the binary is posited as bad, irrational, uncivilized, and subordinate. This process of dividing everything into categories of good and bad is important when attempting to understand the dynamics of power in social relationships, especially ones that are characterized by race, class, and gender. The codification of binaries has acted as a catalyst for the process of othering, which explains how certain groups remain in possession of power while other groups are continuous enslaved by social, political, and educational institutions that benefit from their oppression. Lena Dominelli defines othering as following: Thus, racism is about relations of dominance and subordination which are rooted in the ‘othering’of others as a social process of exclusion in which particular personal attributes are identified as the basis for a racialised ‘othering’ to occur. These characteristics are aspects of an individual’s or group’s identity which are castigated as ‘inferior’ by a dominant group which has the power to enforce its definitions of reality on others. They may be based on biological features such as skin color and hair type, cultural practices, linguistic abilities, or religious observances which are adversely valued socially and weighted against the interests of the subordinated group. (39). This assumption of the superiority of one race to dominate, manipulate, and abuse other groups who are perceived as inferior has colored much of American history (Lorde, 115). However, regardless of how hard the other tries

Monday, September 23, 2019

Arguments That Are in Favour of the Release of Genetically Modified Essay

Arguments That Are in Favour of the Release of Genetically Modified (GM) Crops - Essay Example With this concern, the discussion henceforth will aim at highlighting the various advantageous aspects of producing GM crops along with their impact on the environment and the human well-being at large, taking into account the major ideas of consequentialism. Favourable Aspects of GM Crops Better Quality and Higher Productivity Through genetic modifications, the GM crops are produced with better quality, scientifically maintaining a balance between the nutritional requirements. Stating precisely, an effective form of GM crop tends to yield a higher nutrition accumulated with the exact amount of dietetic ingredients of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and carbohydrates among others (Mogilna and Magufwa, n.d.). Moreover, GM crops also possess the benefits of producing greater quantities of crops in comparison to the traditional method for a given proportion of farmland. According to the rapid development of global economies, the number of farmlands is continually reducing, and this causes a negative impact on the traditional method for harvesting crops, which has often turned out to be insufficient to satisfy the increasing world population and industrialisation demands. Therefore, increasing agricultural productivity within the specified farmland area can be considered as a major advantage for the agricultural farms in the modern day context (The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2010). Herbicide Tolerance In the context of farming, the agricultural farms used to spend a large amount of wealth and physical efforts to remove weeds from the crops in the traditional method. However, the process of applying harmful chemicals to weeds was also identified to have an adverse affect on the production of the crops. With this concern, herbicide tolerance crops developed by the genetic modifications are regarded as highly advantageous to prevent the harmful effects of weeds, thus assisting the farmers to save production expenditures and simultaneously raise their profit margin (Sehnal a nd Drobnik, 2009). Insect Resistance The assault of insects in the crops has often been learned to severely affect the production quality and quantity, causing financial losses to the farmers. In order to cope up with the challenge, farmers use huge quantities of pesticides and chemicals to protect their crops from the insects, which can also have an adverse affect on the quality and productivity of the crops. However, it can also be harmful for the customers to regularly consume such food products. With this concern, GM crops can be considered as quite effective to prevent such hazards through the inclusion of â€Å"insect resistance genes.† Moreover, the process also assists the farmers in reducing the financial costs for other chemicals during production (Whitman, 2000). Consequences of GM Crops Human Health Risks The GM crops have been accused of carrying a possibility of causing allergies due to the amalgamation of different genes within the food items that are often uni ntentionally produced during the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

A Raisin in the Sun Essay Example for Free

A Raisin in the Sun Essay 1.When Asagai arrives at the apartment, how does his mood contract with Walter’s and Beneatha’s? He is very positive and is looking toward the future. Walter and Beneatha appear defeated. 2.How has the loss of the money changed Beneatha’s optimism? What does she tell Asagai? What is Asagai’s response? She has given up and admits defeat. She tells Asagai there is no hope and everything is over. Asagai is very critical of Beneatha’s feelings and tells her if she has dreams and wants a positive future, she needs to make it herself. He also asks her to go to Africa with him. 3.How does Asagai define idealists and realists? Which group does he prefer to be associated with? Idealists have dreams and go after them. Realists only see the circle of life and the things that are right in front of them. He would rather be an idealist. 4.What alternative view of the future does Asagai offer to put Beneatha’s depression in perspective? Go to Africa with him. 5.Asagai leaves and Walter comes into the living room. How does Beneatha attack Walter? What does Walter do? She attacks him by speaking down about who he is as a man. Walter ignores her and looks for something in the apartment. 6.How has Mama’s physical appearance changed? Why does Mama put her plant back on the windowsill? She is depressed and seems defeated. Mama puts her plant in the window because she feels as if she is going nowhere. 7.Who does Mama blame for the current situation, and how does she plan to deal with it? She blames herself for this because people have always accused her of dreaming too big. 8.Up until now, Ruth has been the practical one. How does she react to Mama’s new attitude? She tries to lift Lena’s spirits. She doesn’t know what to think or how to really handle Mama’s new attitude. 9.When Walter arrives back home, what does he say he has done? What does he plan to do? He has called Mr. Lindner, and the family is going to take the money that was offered to them. 10.Describe Walter’s new view of life as being divided between the â€Å"takers† and the â€Å"tooken.† He feels that life is full of takers and tooken. His family has been, he feels, has always been â€Å"tooken† From this point forward, they are going to be â€Å"takers.† 11.What does Mama mean when she tells Walter that if he takes Lindner’s money he will have nothing left inside? He will loose his dignity and pride of he takes the money. 12.Beneatha says Walter is no brother of hers. What lesson does Mama have to remind Beneatha about? Mama tells her she has no right to feel that way or say that about her brother. Regardless of what has happened, she has always taught Beneatha to love. 13.When Lindner arrives, why does Mama insist that Travis stay in the room? She wants him to learn from his father 14.What does Walter tell Lindner? Why? He talks to him about his father and how he worked all his life for others. He continues to tell Lindner that his family is not going to take his money because his father earned the house for the family. 15.Why does Lindner decide to appeal to Mama? What is her response? He appeals to her because he says she is older and wiser. He feels that she will bend to the demands of the neighborhood. 16.What is the importance of having Mama return to the empty apartment to grab her plant? That plant represents her dreams and the spirit of her family. Wherever she goes and the family goes, so does the plant. She isn’t one to walk out on her family or her dreams.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Press Release Order Essay Example for Free

Press Release Order Essay The demand for International translation services has been constantly increasing for the past few years. Moreover, the growing number of Internet users every year has resulted into a similar and broader demand which is online translation. Basically, it is clear that these days, clients all over the world need quick and reliable technical translation services that they can easily access using the Internet. As a response to these demands, a leading translation company has recently expanded its business operation and has recruited professional translators who can fully meet the translation needs of clients from all around the globe. In a general meeting held last April 1st 2008, company Manager James Tate emphasized to the employees that the adequate staff replenishment in the company have made translation services more approachable. As Tate said in the meeting, â€Å"We are all human beings as well as our clients. Some of us question this fact because of enormous amount of orders, but it is unquestionable that our clients need permanent help and support, thus, we decide to help our support and translators’ teams in order to deliver effective services to our clients†. In the meeting, Tate further stated that the company’s current manpower that provides website translation service has constantly met the growing demands of clients in live support. According to Tate, the company is in the eventual expansive mode responding the world translation services, in which the company has grown and leading in both document translation service and foreign language translation. The manpower expansion of the company aims to deliver more professional translation services by adding twenty more high quality professional staff to double the translation capacities. Likewise, one of the important tasks in providing assistance to clients is the adequate maintenance of a live support. Tate believes that the live support is more significant in bringing about a personalized approach to clienteles and reaching out the services towards world translation. This kind of venture in international translation service has been a breakthrough of a reinvented industry using Internet technology. This venture operates like call center which is also a booming clientele-out-sourcing business. Likewise, the business in technical translation services is in the same league with other cyber technology innovations. In addition, some industrial technocrats perceive a looming demand in international translation services which may indicate vulnerability of competition, specifically by similar online business entities. One of the indications is the possible realignment of call centers into a one-stop-shop venture in business-process-outsourcing which may include technical translation services. This indication may not be a remote possibility reflective on the situation of the available technical manpower and academic professionals. Generally, the company’s online translation services would radiate a more definitive employment opportunity to absorb the people’s skills and potentials that are untapped by other industries and competing job markets. These skilled translators would then eventually become the cornerstone of a bigger and